Monday 23 May 2011

Remembering Mrs. Brown

Ula Brown Maclachlan, who passed away Thursday, was the widow of John L. Brown, the founding President & CEO of Community General cheap viagra. Mr. Brown was hired in 1958 to design and build the new Community cheap cialis on Onondaga Hill in Syracuse, NY. He retired in 1982 and died in 1986.

Perhaps 15 years ago, Jerry L. Harris, Mr. Brown’s successor as CEO, gave me a file of personal papers that belonged to Mr. Brown – correspondence, personal notes, the agenda of his interviews for the CEO position, etc. Jerry found the papers in his files, and he asked me to review the documents, saving anything of importance to Community General. I made copies of several documents I thought were relevant for the hospital, but most of the papers were personal in nature. I packed them up and sent them to Mrs. Brown.

A while later, Mrs. Brown sent me the kindest note. To today’s sensibilities her note would seem somewhat dated, quaint, perhaps even politically incorrect. But I was touched by her thoughts.

Paraphrasing (from memory), this is what she said. Mrs. Brown thanked me for sending the documents, saying that she read them with interest and that many fond memories were recalled. She said the documents were especially interesting to their children, Bill and Christine. Mrs. Brown commented to the effect that “when a man is at his most productive, his children are too young, too unaware, or too uninterested to understand the significance of his accomplishments.” She said that Mr. Brown's personal papers provided an opportunity for their children to better understand what Mr. Brown had accomplished and what he meant to the community.

Today, I recall Mrs. Brown, her work at Community General as a founding member of the Auxiliary and as a Volunteer, her life in the community, and the love and support she gave to family and friends.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Kilang memproses GOJI diserbu, mengandungi 'sildenafil'

See also: order cialis | cheap cialis | 

Pernahkah anda mendengar perkataan Goji?
Walaupun bunyinya asing, tetapi ramai rakyat malaysia telah meminumnya.

Semuanya atas dasar, makanan kesihatan.

Tetapi, tengahari tadi, segala-galanya terbongkar, apabila kilang memprosesnya, di Sg Chua Kajang diserbu. Turut diserbu, syarikat pengedarnya di Jalan Kuchai Lama, dan berpuluh ribu paket Goji, siap untuk diagihkan kepada pengedar jualan langsungnya, dirampas.

Dalam kes ini, hasil ujikaji makmal mendapati, ‘Goji’ yang diproses, mengandungi ‘sildenafil’ , bahan utama dalam proses membuat ubat penguat tenaga batin, Viagra.

Serbuan dilakukan serentak di beberapa lokasi seluruh negara membabitkan pengilang, pengedar barangan ini.
Dan memang benar, kilang membuat, memproses dan membungkus Goji ini terletak di Sg Chua Kajang di mana tiada siapa mengetahui, ia mempunyai dua buah kilang – berlesen dan haram.

Serbuan dilakukan Bahagian Penguatkuasa Farmasi Kementerian Kesihatan diketuai Timbalan Pengarahnya, Hj Wan Hamid Wan Ibrahim bersama 25 pegawai dan anggota.

Ketika serbuan, dua lelaki dipercayai warga India yang berada di dalam ‘makmal’ sedang sibuk membuat campuran adunan untuk Goji tersebut. Lagak umpama saintis, kedua-duanya kemudian melarikan diri menyedari tempat mereka diserbu.

Dan, seperti dijangka, satu bungkusan putih dipercayai ‘sildenafil’ ditemui di dalam kilang haram di belakang kilang utama itu yang dipercayai menjadi bahan campuran di dalam ‘Goji’ yang diproses.

Penggunaan ‘sildenafil’ tanpa perskrepsi doktor boleh menurunkan tekanan darah dan boleh membawa kesan serius seperti serangan jantung yang mampu membawa maut.

Ia juga boleh menyebabkan masalah pernafasan tertahan.

‘Sildenafil’ hanya boleh dibekal oleh doktor atau diperolehi dari farmasi dengan perskripsi doktor dan dengan dos tertentu.

Dan pemerhatian juga mendapati, 'Goji' terbabit sebenarnya diproses dan dibungkus di kilang ini dan bukannya diproses di luar negara.

What Can A Simple Pill Do To The Human Body?

What Can A Simple Pill Do To The Human Body?

Viagra exploded onto the erectile dysfunction scene many years ago. It has since been the leader in erectile dysfunction remedies, along with its close counterpart order cialis. But many prescription drugs are particularly harmful to the human body; where does Viagra and cheap cialis fit?

The Good: How Viagra Works for Your Body

The problem with erectile dysfunction is simple: there is not enough blood flow to the penis. We can counteract this effect by simply increasing the blood flow- usually with a muscle relaxer. But most common muscle relaxers will indeed relax the entire body- including the penis.

What is needed, specifically, is drugs that can relax the right muscles to stimulate blood flow to the penis- all while keep from relaxing the penis completely. Originally the cure came in the form of an injection- but today we have a pill form known as Viagra.

Getting to the Specifics: What Does Viagra Do?

To actually open up blood flow to the penis for an erection, Viagra decreases the levels of phosphodiesterase, or PDE. This enzyme decomposes a necessary chemical, cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). cGMP is necessary to obtain an erection, so therefore stopping the PDE from decomposing this chemical will result in a healthy erection.

Generally, the more cGMP that is built up means the greater the blood flow that is present. This will result in a much healthier erection, even when men suffer from conditions such as erectile dysfunction.

The Side Effects of Viagra

One interesting side effect (that is far from dangerous) is that Viagra will give some users a bluish-tinted perspective. This actually means that pilots are forbidden to take Viagra 12 hours before flying. Other than pilots, everyone else can sit back and enjoy the virtual blue sunglasses.

Viagra does have more serious side effects, however. Viagra is a prescription drug (as compared to over the counter) mainly because a doctor needs to check one's medical history before giving the green light to take the drug. Serious altercations such as heart attacks can result from taking Viagra, so a doctor visit is mandatory before taking Viagra.

Other more common side effects include headaches and related minor annoyances. Aside from these listed side effects, Viagra is actually a very safe drug to use- as compared to other alternatives.

Alternatives to Viagra: Improving on the Blueprint

Drugs such as Cialis work very similarly to Viagra. Whereas Viagra blocks one certain enzyme in the human body, drugs such as Cialis block another, and thus, different side effects result.

The main difference between Cialis-like drugs is that they won't cause color vision changes within users. Cialis users are also able to get an erection for around 18 hours in a day- from what Cialis claims. The only downfall to Cialis is that in 5% of men, muscle ache results from taking the drug.

Cialis is, likewise, generally preferred among pilots. It is also preferred when a male desires to obtain an erection at any point in the day- not just at specific times. However, both drugs have been long proven to give men their life back when concerning erectile dysfunction. Keep in mind that a doctor visit will be necessary to help rule out possible critical side effects.

Once the green light is given, the road to sexual satisfaction will once again be paved in gold.